下雨时,找寻彩虹;黑夜里,仰望星光。在经历了暴风雨般的挑战后,关注自我,关爱自我,会成为你避风的港湾。When it rains, look for rainbows; when it is dark, look for stars. After a stormy challenge, self-connection and compassion will be the safe place to shelter.
As a professional Mandarin instructor with almost two decades worth of teaching experience in American schools, I came to recognize how language-learning in a school setting is only one step in the long journey of acquiring a foreign language. I felt a need and urge to bring my profession beyond school, and I believe professional teaching should be accessible to anyone at any point in their life. It is with this belief that I founded MAD Mandarin LLC in 2018 with the goal to incorporate the latest teaching methods with my own innovative approach of Mindful-Active-Dynamic to positively achieve the best language-learning results.